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10 job interview tips to help you feel great about your next job interview

10 job interview tips to help you feel great about your next job interview
Getting ready for your next job interview.

Money Bite-Size Read:

  • A job interview is an opportunity to show why you should get the job.
  • It’s essential to prepare in advance so that your skills and experience shine.
  • Here’s 10 job interview tips to help you feel great about your next job interview so that you can perform at your best.

The Money Bites Take:

Preparing for a job interview means you’re more likely to feel great during the interview and secure the job you want.


When was the last time you went for a job interview?

We often get scared at the very thought of being in that interview room. If this is your first job, you might feel nervous about the process and what is involved.

A job interview is an opportunity.

It means that the employer offering the job thinks you could do the job and wants to meet you. The job interview is your opportunity to show why you should get the job and leave them with zero doubt that you’re the candidate they should hire.

The best way to resolve any interview nerves is to prepare beforehand. This will enable you to perform at your best, particularly with these job interview tips in mind.




Here’s 10 job interview tips to help you feel great about your next job interview:




1. Check what the interview will cover

The best way to prepare for an interview is to ask the employer what they will cover in the interview. Sometimes the interviewee’s expectations differ from the interviewer, so this check helps ensure you’re on the same page. It also means that you can prepare if they’re going to give you a task during the interview and bring a copy of your CV if needed.




2. Research the organisation

You need to research the organisation you want to work for. That includes their business model, how they make money, and how the role you’re hoping to get supports this aim. You should also know the organisation’s values to avoid getting stuck at a job you hate.




3. Run through interview practice questions

Job interviews are questions-based, which is why an essential preparation step is getting comfortable with answering questions. These will likely include what skills you can bring to the role or more left-field questions like your salary expectations. Rather than scripting responses, be prepared to respond to different types of questions, so you’re ready for anything they ask you.




4. If in doubt, use the STAR method

When talking about job interview tips, we have to talk about the STAR method. This is a way of structuring your answers so that you don’t ramble. When answering a question such as a time you showed a particular skill, you would describe the situation, task, action you took and the result. This structure also enables you to show clear evidence of performing a skill needed for the role.




5. Show an ability to reflect on your abilities

None of us are perfect, and even robots need fixing from time to time. One of the questions that often comes up in interviews is what are your weaknesses or development needs. You need to be able to reflect on your weaknesses and identify how you are working to overcome them.




6. Wear professional clothes you feel comfortable in

The ideal interview outfit is one that you would typically wear in a work environment. It should be clean, smart and comfortable. Plan this outfit out beforehand so that you can then focus on the interview rather than worrying about what you’re wearing.




7. Plan how to get there on time

You should identify the location of the interview and work out your travel route. Allow additional time to get there on time even if you hit traffic and remember that it’s better to be early than late to an interview. If your interview is online, log into your computer and set up the call beforehand so that you’ll join on time.




8. Fuel your body beforehand

You may know that it’s important to be hydrated and to eat something before your interview. However, it’s also important to get a good night’s sleep the day beforehand. Sleep deprivation affects your cognitive performance, including your attention, working memory and decision-making abilities. Make sure you prioritise sleep so that being tired doesn’t let you down.




9. Remember that it’s a conversation

When talking to a potential employer, your phone should be on silent or turned off and put away. Listen to what they ask you, not the question you wish they had asked you. Make sure you ace the interview by taking the time to consider your responses and don’t interrupt your interviewer when they’re speaking.




10. Follow up with a thank you

Recognise that someone stepped away from their workday to potentially offer you a job and thank them for the opportunity. Feel free to reiterate your interest in the role but don’t harass them by repeatedly following up. Do ask for feedback if you don’t get the job so that you can continue to improve your interview performance.

We want to see you thrive in your next job interview.

Have these job interview tips handy and take time to prepare beforehand. That way, when you set foot in the interview room, you’re putting your best put forward and can show why you’re their ideal candidate.

Written by Kate Crowhurst

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